Jinwei Yao

My English name is Kivi.
Master of Science in Computer Science β€’ Sibel Computer Science Center β€’ UIUC
201 N Goodwin Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Profile Picture
Taken at Zakynthos, Greece


I am currently in the first year at UIUC, pursuing a (research-based) Master of Science in Computer Science(MSCS). My advisor is Prof.Jiaxuan You.

Before my journey at UIUC, I spent one year at EPFL as a felloship PhD student in distributed systems, where I laid my academic foundations. Leaving peaceful and beautiful Switzerland is a hard decision: after one year of thinking and discussion with my career mentor Prof. Katerina Argyraki, I followed my heart to explore ML System research. In Zhejiang University, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Electronic Science and Technology, with Outstanding Thesis Award for designing FPGA subsystem for GNN acceleration, where was the start of my MLSys research. During my ML System research journey, I was lucky to work with wonderful advisors-- Prof. Zeke Wang(Zhejiang University), Prof. Tao Lin(Westlake University), and Prof. Binhang Yuan(HKUST).

At UIUC, my research focuses on Gen-AI Systems, like LLM inference efficiency. I am also interested in bringing distributed systems/database systems with LLMs.

Research Interest

I am intersted in machine learning systems (ML System), especially system designs for LLMs. My primary goal is to provide efficient, cheap and robust system services for real-world LLM applications. To achieve this goal, I identified three main challenges:

Challenge1 LLM Inference Efficiency
How to provide cheap and fast LLM inference service.

Challenge2 LLM Training Efficiency
How to provide efficient and robust LLM training.

Challenge3 Trade-off between service-level-objects (SLOs) in ML and System
How to do trade-offs between machine learning metrics (accuracy, PPL, etc) and system metrics (latency, throughtputs)


I am active in sharing paper readings on my another Github Blog and Zhihu(ηŸ₯乎). I like πŸ€, πŸ’ͺ, πŸ“š, 🐱, and 🎬.


Aug 16, 2024

πŸ˜„ Enrolled at MSCS Program and began a new semester at UIUC.

May 2, 2024

πŸŽ‰ DeFT got accepted by ICLR’24 AGI Workshop as Oral Presentation!

Sep 1, 2023

πŸ’» After one-year of consideration and suggested by my career mentor, I decided to leave EPFL for ML System Research as no profs in EPFL are interested in ML System.

Aug 30, 2022

πŸ’» Enrolled EPFL as a PhD student with a fellowship from CS department.

Jun 30, 2022

πŸ’ͺ Graduated from Zhejiang University and received the B.Eng. in Electronic Science and Technology (with Outstanding Graduation Award and Outstanding Thesis Award).